Twilight Academy Program

For questions, please
call the main office at
(302) 762 9410
The purpose of the Twilight Academy Program is to give Brandywine District high school students the opportunity to recover course credits in order to complete requirements for graduation. The program is not designed for students wishing to accelerate their educational program. Students are eligible to earn two credits per school year with the possibility of additional credits permitted as approved.
Students will be considered for the program who meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Eleventh and twelfth graders who want to graduate with their class.
- Students not appropriate for a full 6.5 hour day.
- Ninth graders retained for a second year who want to rejoin their class.
- Credit recovery for students who have been out due to serious illness, pregnancy, or extreme family situation.
- Eleventh and twelfth grade students enrolling in BSD from out-of-district who need specific coursework to maintain their schedule for graduation.
Referral Process
- Sending school sends referral form to TAP for processing
- Referral is reviewed for student’s credit situation and need for TAP courses
- Sending school is notified of acceptance/waiting list of referral
- Student and parent are contacted to attend intake meeting (sending school does not attend)
- Student attends until completion
Can be withdrawn following 3 unexcused absences (especially when waiting list exists).
Current course offerings include:
- Algebra I and II
- Honors Algebra
- Geometry
- Physical Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English I – 9th grade
- English II – 10th grade
- English III – 11th grade
- English IV – 12th grade
- U S Government
- U S History I and II
- World History
- Personal Finance
- Economics
- Health