services tailored to meet YOUR needs!
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Remote Plus Program (RPP) – RPP is designed to increase student engagement and provide support for parents by being a Learning Coach in a remote learning/hybrid environment due to the pandemic. Our goal is to help Unfinished Students finish.
Read, Realize, Recognize (RRR) – Through a series of games, phonics, and reading, parents will gain an understanding of how to work with their students to promote recognition and fluency.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion plan seeks to eliminate disparities in educational opportunities and assign key individuals to identify these issues and address them with proven strategies and methods.
Schools – Enhancive school operation for at-risk youth providing a traditional educational component of academic instruction, as well as counseling, behavior management, and community service. Students attend the site for a traditional school day with the goal of transiting to their sending school
Take Time – To enhance pro-active intervention with elementary or middle school students, A Friend of the Family, Inc., (TT staff) will develop a foundation for success enabling students to enhance their Reading and Math skills. Students will learn structure and routine, enhancing their skill development and standards-based learning.
Prep K-1 – To work specifically with students in grades Kindergarten and first grade regarding school rules and procedures. The concept is to aid students having challenges with maintaining positive behavior and adapting to the rigor of kindergarten and/or first grade.
Alternative To Suspension – Students attend school at the ATS site and complete academic assignments and participate in group sessions to learn about the code of conduct and better decision making. Successful completion of students’ day in ATS offers the student a consequence for their actions that permits growth and learning. If student does not successfully complete their day in ATS, the suspension is upheld.
HomeWork Club – By providing homework support for students to help them master basic skills, develop realistic plans, achieve academic goals, and increase self-respect and self-discipline youth will have the opportunity to develop competence and achievement, structure and clear limits, meaningful participation in school and community, and self-exploration and self-definition
TOOLS – The purpose is to provide resources and activities for families and children to improve communication, anger management, self-esteem, motivation, and family interaction. Children and parents participate in activities and sessions to help them to be productive and cohesive, and the family is provided resources that will help the family unit to work together as a group and develop a tool chest of alternative strategies.
Professional Development – work with school staff to provide training in areas needed for school growth. Topics inclusive of classroom management, Non-Violent Crisis Intervention, Team Building, Labeling, Stress Management.